100′ Feet Feet Type III Mil-c-5040h Nylon Paracord 550 cord 25+ Colors! SAVE! (OD Green)
Type III MIL SPEC 550 cord Paracord Parachute Cord
7 Strand Nylon Braided Goverment Tested 550lb
5/32" Diameter
Multiple Uses - Tie Downs , Camping , Hiking, Fishing
Bracelets , braidingQuick drying - mildew resistance
Parachute Cord, also called Paracord or 550 Cord, is a lightweight nylon kernmantle rope originally used in the suspension lines of US parachutes during World War II. It is now used as a general purpose utility cord by both military personnel and civilians. The soft braided outer shell is durable yet cushioned, allowing this cord to be flexible so it is the perfect wrap for knife hand
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