[ 2.0 stars ]
"I recently had the entire Molle 2 pack and went camping with it for the first time, hiked up 1,500 feet and back and am here to tell you that i have had WW2 surplus packs that are more comfortable than the Molle 2 pack, it was only used for a short time and the plastic frame cracks very easily. I served in the Army and used Alice packs that were more suitable than the Molle 2. I also used to have ..."
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- The Backpacks review is genenrated by Nate
which was written on December 22, 2010
5 users liked the review and gave their verdict that this review was intuitive enough to select or buy the Backpacks out of 5 users. Review fetched on April 20, 2014 by Outdoor Stuffs.